News and Events

August 19, 2013

We received word late Wed. that the Dept. of Health Care Services has granted EPHC our requested exemption from the devastating skilled nursing Medi-Cal cuts. (We will still have to pay the retroactive amount, but we will be given many years to do this, which we are able to handle.) This protects us from approximately $1.3 million/year in cuts–it is tremendously good news for us, and proves that a small hospital and community, working together, can make a huge difference. We did this ourselves, and we should be very proud! This exemption will cover ALL rural and frontier hospitals, which means that we’ve helped 26 other vulnerable hospitals and communities to survive, as well. Thank you for your support, your patience, and your belief in your hospital. Please share this great news with everyone in our community and beyond! We have done a great thing here in Plumas County!