News and Events
Warming Center Closed

January 17, 2017

EPHC's warming center, which was open during the recent storm and power outage to residents who need to warm up or to plug in essential medical equipment, is now closed. A new storm is allegedly blowing in tomorrow. If the power goes out, the warming center will be open again. Check here or on our EPHC Facebook page for more information.

Warming Center Now Open!

January 11, 2017

EPHCs warming center is now open in the Education Center on its Portola campus. If you need to warm up or need an electrical outlet for essential medical equipment, please come on up. For more information, call Linda: 530.616.0694 (if cell phones are out, call: 530.832.6500).

EPHC Power Outages

Due to widespread power outages, Portola, Loyalton and Pine Street Medical Clinics will be closed until power is restored. Graeagle Medical Clinic is open and fully operational at this time. Please check back for updates or call 832.6500 for more information.

Loyalton SNF Residents Get To Go Home!

January 3, 2017

Eastern Plumas Health Care finally got clearance from the Office Of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) to move residents back to their homes in the Loyalton skilled nursing facility. "All of that was done Friday morning, Dec. 30 without any glitches!" said CEO Tom Hayes. Residents have been staying temporarily at the Portola skilled nursing facility on the acute wing and in the skilled nursing facility library and "Annie's Room." It has been cosy to say the least, but "everyone on staff has been very cooperative and really chipped in and came together during this crazy time," said...

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December 12, 2016

Yesterday we had to evacuate and transfer 17 Loyalton skilled nursing patients to our Portola facility and 4 patients were sent home to their families. The patients transferred to Portola are in the acute wing as well as the library and Anne’s room in the SNF. This action was necessary because our two boilers were failing and we were worried that we would lose necessary heating for the facility. We are currently in the process of repairing and rebuilding one of the boilers and renting a forced air heat solution for backup in case the boilers fail again. We are hopeful...

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Rural America: A Way Forward

November 18, 2016

No matter what side of the bloody election battle you were on, there was a word that news commentators invoked as the election night results came pouring in. It’s a word they hardly ever use, and it seemed as mystifying to them as the results. The word was “rural.” Rural America was angry. Rural America had found its voice and its candidate. And, most amazingly, rural America had headed to the polls en masse, and VOTED. Rural Americans not only voted, they changed the course of a Presidential election. And, in so doing, they fooled the pundits and the pollsters....

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Vote YES on Prop. 52–It’s Good For Our Community!

October 13, 2016

This November, a diverse group of nearly 1,000 health care providers, businesses, taxpayer groups, labor organizations and children’s advocates from across the state are voting Yes on Proposition 52, the Medi-Cal Funding and Accountability Act. Here’s why: A 2009 partnership between the state and California hospitals has provided about $18 billion in federal funds to help pay for health care services for the state’s approximately 13.5 million Medi-Cal patients. The hospitals have voluntarily provided the matching amount required for these federal programs. Proposition 52 will continue this partnership, with no new cost...

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Prop 52 Is Vital To EPHC & Our Community

October 2, 2016

California’s November ballot is crowded with 17 initiatives – but one that is of particular interest to EPHC is Proposition 52, the Medi-Cal Funding and Accountability Act. Proposition 52 ensures the continued availability of matching federal funds that help pay for services provided by our hospital to Medi-Cal patients. Statewide, more than 13 million Californians, including 6.7 million children, 1.6 seniors and 4.5 million low-income working families depend on Medi-Cal for their health care needs. Proposition 52 protects a partnership first created in 2009 between the state and local hospitals that has resulted in approximately $18 billion in new federal funds...

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Your Community Healthcare District

April 29, 2016

Eastern Plumas Healthcare is a healthcare district—but do you know what that means and how it affects what we do and the community that we serve? Healthcare Districts are public entities that provide community-based health care services to residents throughout the state. They respond to the needs in their District by providing a range of services, which may include a hospital, clinic, skilled nursing facility or emergency medical services; as well as education and wellness programs. Each of California’s Healthcare Districts is governed by a locally elected Board of Trustees who are directly accountable to the communities they serve. Voters created...

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Dr. Dhond, Cardiologist: Caring for the Heart and Spirit

April 18, 2016

Milind Dhond M.D., who has been caring for Plumas County residents for nearly twenty years as a cardiologist, has recently expanded his care from the body to the spirit by publishing a book on meditation called “Journey to Zero”. The book, which Dhond states has no basis in the dogma of religion, but simply truth is designed for those that have no prior experience with mediation. “Whether you are one type of religion or another, at the end of it all there is just one truth,“ says Dhond. “This book is coming from a scientific standpoint. If you follow each...

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