News and Events

July 16, 2013

SUPER LOW-COST LAB SPECIAL!! ONLY $40 (cash pay at time of testing) July 18 - Aug. 2 at Portola Hospital Lab, Graeagle Clinic, and Greenville Clinic. Testing Includes: - Cholesterol - CBC (Complete Blood Count) - Comprehensive Metabolic Panel - HDL, Direct LDL, Ratio - Thyroid Screening - Triglycerides Optional Testing Includes: - Prostate...

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EPHC Welcomes Linda Jameson, Director of Nursing

Linda Jameson, Eastern Plumas Health Care’s new Director of Nursing is in an interesting position. Right now, she’s in her last month as Chief Nursing Officer at Plumas District Hospital (PDH), where she’s worked since 2005. She’s clearly loved her job and is well-loved in return at PDH, so this last month has been an unusual transition. “I’m not a lame duck, I’m a dead duck,” she said. “It feels like dying. You try to give your best advice before you go, try to lay down a foundation on how to deal with different things.” There are other staff members who...

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Cutting Medi-Cal rates will undermine health reform

May 28, 2013

In a time of reform, if there’s one underlying truth that unites every health care provider in our state, it’s this: We cannot successfully implement the Affordable Care Act and open the doors of health care access to all Californians without a strong, adequately funded Medi-Cal system, California’s version of Medicaid. Medi-Cal is nothing less than the foundation of California’s health care safety net. It provides coverage to millions of families who can’t afford traditional primary and preventive care and protects those of us who can pay from having to bear the cost-shifting burden for those who can’t. Nearly 1 our ot...

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Testimony on Behalf of DP/SNFs at Assembly Committee Hearing

May 22, 2013

Today, California Hospital Association (CHA) member Molly Forrest, President/CEO of Los Angeles Jewish Home, testified on behalf of CHA and all distinct-part skilled-nursing facilities at an Assembly committee hearing about the devastating Medi-Cal cuts imposed by AB 97. At the Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services hearing, Forrest explained why the AB 97 cuts, not yet implemented, should be rescinded, as proposed in AB 900 (Alejo, D-Salinas) and SB 640 (Lara, D-Bell Gardens). She testified that there are two parts to the Medi-Cal cuts that will make them impossible for facilities such as hers to sustain...

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SOS: Get On The Bus To Save Our Skilled Nursing Facilities!

Dear EPHC Skilled Nursing Supporter: EPHC continues its campaign to raise awareness of the devastating impact of CA state cuts to hospital-based skilled nursing facilities. Let's keep the momentum going - WE NEED YOU to attend the June 4 "We Care for California" Protest Rally in Sacramento aimed at STOPPING THE CUTS. The California Hospital Assoc. expects 10,000 people will attend the rally! Gov. Brown cannot ignore us! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! ...

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EPHC video aimed at rescinding SNF cuts available now!

May 6, 2013

The EPHC video, which shows EPHC skilled nursing patients, families, nurses, and community members pleading the case for a stop to the MediCal cuts to our most vulnerable and elderly patients is available at this link: Please watch and share and contact your legislators to urge them to support SB 646 (the EPHC sponsored bill that will stop the MediCal cuts to our hospital skilled nursing facilities), as well as SB 640 and AB 900 (bills sponsored by the California Hospital Association that will rescind all of the MediCal cuts, including those to doctors, dentists, pharmacies, managed care groups, and...

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Our elderly relatives deserve quality care close to home

by Carmella Gutierrez, Californians for Patient Care, 5/1/2013 Many of us know what it’s like to see a loved one grow older. We see the joys that a grandparent experiences, but also the hardships that come with health issues and becoming more dependent on others. Often, we ride the “roller coaster of health” with them. As we do, it can be difficult to know how to best help our loved ones continue to live long, healthy and fulfilling lives. The answer often lies in finding the best care close to home and family. And identifying the...

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EPHC video highlights need to rescind skilled nursing MediCal cuts

May 3, 2013

Eastern Plumas Health Care’s impact video in support of SB 646 and 640 and AB 900, the CA state legislation to stop MediCal cuts to hospital skilled nursing facilities (DP/SNFs) is now available. Since EPHC’s own bill, SB 646, which exempts DP/SNFs from these cuts, has passed unanimously out of the Senate Health Committee, the hospital plans to share this video with all legislators who have negotiating power in the May budget revision process, including Senate President pro Tem, Darrell Steinberg, Assembly Speaker, John Perez, and Gov. Jerry Brown. The May budget revise offers the next opportunity to have the...

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All bills to stop MediCal cuts to skilled nursing advance

This article, which appeared in California Healthline, is about AB 900, the most recent of three bills to get out of legislative Health Committees and on to Appropriations. May 02, 2013 - Capitol Desk Committee Votes To Repeal Medi-Cal Cut by David Gorn Assembly member Luis Alejo (D-Watsonville) got a grand total of seven seconds to speak at Tuesday's Assembly Committee on Health hearing before he was interrupted. "AB 900 eliminates the 10% Medi-Cal reimbursement rate cuts for all Medi-Cal providers … " Alejo started to say. "Move the bill," said committee member Roger Hernández (D-West Covina). And before Alejo could speak again: "Second!" said Assembly...

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EPHC Goes to Sacramento

April 30, 2013

On Wed., April 24, SB 646, the bill sponsored by Eastern Plumas Health Care was heard in the Senate Health Committee. Tom Hayes, EPHC CEO, Jon Kennedy, Plumas County Supervisor, skilled nursing resident Inez Fagliano's two daughters, Jan Tew and Jeanne Fagliano, and Linda Satchwell, PR Coordinator, all headed to Sacramento for the hearing. SB 646 sought to exempt the most vulnerable, rural skilled nursing facilities from the pending Medi-Cal cuts. These cuts would amount to a 23% reduction in payments going forward (approximately $1.3 million per year) and $2.4 million in retroactive cuts. In effect, it would be a large,...

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