News and Events
Diane Gruner, Registered Dietician on EPHC’s Portola Campus

September 8, 2012

As a Registered Dietician, Diane Gruner provides nutrition therapy and education to patients with a variety of health conditions. Patients are referred to her by their Primary Care Physicians—this allows visits to covered by heath insurance. Medical and Medicare also cover her services.
Diane begins by asking her patients many questions, including what their health goals are. Togther, they discuss their diet and health issues. She also may confer with their physician and review their health record. From this, she develops and individual nutrition plan to meet the patient’s requirements.
From the “interview” she has with a patient, Diane will offer suggestions, and she may provide the patient with hand outs. Her primary focus is on foods, but she also discusses exercise, and vitamins and supplements. She’ll ask what the patient is taking currently and may suggest additions or alternatives.
Some of the types of patients Diane works with are: diabetes patients, long term care or acute hospital patients, patients who need to gain or lose weight, and much more.
To schedule an appointment, call 530.832.6600 and make an appointment with your primary care provider. They will give you a referral to see our Dietician Diane Gruner.