News and Events
Assoc. of CA Heathcare Districts Highlights EPHC

July 31, 2012

The Association of California Healthcare Districts (ACHD) currently features EPHC on its homepage under legislative news: “Eastern Plumas Healthcare District Sets a Positive Example”
July 30, 2012
Eastern Plumas Health Care District recently formed an Advocacy Working Group to create a more effective advocacy and public relations outreach program. Ideally this working group will work toward highlighting the unique perspective of rural healthcare for local representatives and State Legislators.
The new working group is starting by focusing on partnerships with “seasoned” local officials who have been successful, developing a district Fact Sheet and establishing contacts with legislators and candidates. Larry A. Fites, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors stated that one of the purposes of this new Advocacy Working Group is to get “to the attention of those who hold our “lives” in the balance.”
Thanks to ACHD for highlighting the hard work of the new Advocacy Committee, which is part of the Leadership/Advisory Council’s new outreach efforts.