News and Events
EPHC video aimed at rescinding SNF cuts available now!

May 6, 2013

The EPHC video, which shows EPHC skilled nursing patients, families, nurses, and community members pleading the case for a stop to the MediCal cuts to our most vulnerable and elderly patients is available at this link:

Please watch and share and contact your legislators to urge them to support SB 646 (the EPHC sponsored bill that will stop the MediCal cuts to our hospital skilled nursing facilities), as well as SB 640 and AB 900 (bills sponsored by the California Hospital Association that will rescind all of the MediCal cuts, including those to doctors, dentists, pharmacies, managed care groups, and hospital skilled nursing facilities). Contact information for legislators is available below under the “Urgent” arrow. Thanks for working with us to save our skilled nursing facilities and our hospital!